Visa for professionally experienced workers

Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.
Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.
Visa for professionally experienced workers

How to get a visa for professionally experienced workers

If you want to work in Munich, Germany, a visa for qualified workers provides a good way to get there. Find out about the requirements and the visa application process on this page.

Visa for experienced workers: legal background

Germany offers excellent career opportunities for experienced professionals seeking work in an unregulated profession. Section 19c (2) of the Residence Act [AufenthG] in combination with Section 6 of the Ordinance on the Employment of Foreigners (BeschV) allows you to receive a visa for professionally experienced workers. Official recognition of your qualification in Germany is not required. Speaking of qualification: To know if you qualify for our free offers, do the quick check. 

Before you apply, please take a moment to complete our Quick-Check.

If you are eligible after the quick-check, the registration form will become available.

Ready to get started?

Key requirements for an experienced workers visa  

  • Hold a higher education degree or vocational certificate officially recognized in the country where it was issued.
  • Vocational training must last at least 2 years. 
  • Apply for a Statement on a Foreign Vocational Qualification from the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) to support your visa application. Once you submit your application, you can immediately pay the €150 fee online.
  • For higher education degrees, ZAB can verify state recognition of the qualification in the country where you earned it.
  • At least 2 years of relevant work experience within the last 5 years.
  • Your experience must be directly related to the position you are applying for in Germany.
  • You need a concrete job offer in a non-regulated profession (those not legally protected) 
  • Check the Federal Employment Agency (BA) website to see if your profession is regulated (page in German)
  • Provide your employment contract and a declaration of employment from your company.
  • The required minimum gross annual salary is €48,300 (as of 2025)
  • If you are over 45 years old, the salary must be at least  €53.130  (as of 2025) or you must provide proof of sufficient pension coverage.
  • Alternatively, salary per a collective bargaining agreement is acceptable.
  • The Federal Employment Agency (BA) must approve your employment
  • The BA checks if your salary and working conditions are equivalent to those of local workers
  • Your employer must complete the “Declaration of Employment“ form, typically submitted during the visa process. 
  • By meeting these criteria, you have a good chance of obtaining a visa and securing employment in Germany. Further information regarding the visa for professionally experienced workers can be found on the Make it in Germany website