Visa for language acquisition

Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.
Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.
Visa for language acquisition

Learning German - in Munich!

There is a thrilling way to perfect your German language skills: You can learn German right in the country – with a visa for language acquisition! This way, you can move to Munich to take intensive German language courses – while enjoying city life. Learn more about how it works here.

Visa for language acquisition: legal background

Are you looking to improve your German? You can take language courses not only abroad, but also right here in Munich, Germany. A great visa option exists specifically for language learners: the visa for language acquisition under Section 16f (1) of the Residence Act (AufenthG). This visa allows you to enter and reside in Germany while taking German language courses.

Requirements for your language visa

Enrollment in an intensive course:

Be admitted to a program with daily German lessons, totaling at least 18 hours of instruction per week. Evening and weekend courses will not suffice.

Financial proof:

Demonstrate you can cover your living expenses for the duration of your stay in Germany. This can be done through a blocked bank account or a declaration of commitment.

You can find further information regarding the visa for language acquisition here.